
Declaration of Gender-Sensitive Organisation

In its activities, our organisation is guided by the norms of international law and the legislation of Ukraine in the field of ensuring gender equality and combating discrimination .

The organisation promotes the spread of ideas of gender equality and gender culture among its employees, partner organisations, clients and other stakeholders.

Demonstrates zero tolerance to:

• discrimination - the situation , in which the individual and / or group of persons of their race, skin colour, political, religious and other beliefs, sex, age, disability, ethnic or social origin, citizenship, family and property status, place of residence, language or other characteristics, have been, are and can be real or implied, is undergoing restriction recognition, sale or use of rights and freedoms in all form;

• sexual harassment in the workplace - unwanted sexual acts, which offend, humiliate or intimidate another person;

• gender violence - violence, exerted over a person of the opposite sex, most men over women, to achieve dominance and control behaviour by exploitation, discrimination, intimidation, repression, restrictions, etc., and includes physical, sexual, economic and psychological humiliation;

• hate speech - the practice of aggressive statements , which humiliate or discredit a person or group of persons because of race ( racism ), nationality, political opinion, religion, gender ( sexism ) or sexual orientation.

Acts on the principles:

• respect for the human dignity , rights and freedoms of every person;

• inclusiveness - creating conditions for people with disabilities to work;

• taking into account the needs of employees in planning and organising the work process;

• equal pay for work of equal value;

• evaluation of the performance of employees regardless of their gender;

• fair access of employees to resources;

• transparency in decision-making on hiring, evaluation, promotion, bonuses, dismissal of employees;

• Involvement of women and other vulnerable groups in the decision-making process.

The organisation tries to:

• provide all their workers and employees equal opportunities for professional and personal development, career promotion;

• create conditions for health, safety and welfare;

• create conditions for decent wages and employment, motivation career growth in men and women, implementation of policies friendly to the individual;

• achieve a balanced representation of different sexes at all levels of the organizational structure;

• create a comfortable space, taking into account the needs of different categories of workers and employees;

• create conditions for a combination of employees and employee professional and family required bonds;

• implement effective mechanisms to combat sexual harassment, violence and bullying in the workplace;

• integrate a gender approach into the organisation's activities: include a gender component in strategic and operational plans, projects and programs, organisation, develop a communication strategy and services, establish position, responsible for the direction of gender;

• use in everyday communications, documents, information and promotional materials, etc. appropriate language - the language , in which there are no manifestations of sexism and which uses feminitives - the word is feminine, alternative or even the same concept of masculine;

• conduct information - educational and training activities, to develop guidelines and manuals for officials, other subjects of the implementation of this Declaration;

• collect and analyse quality information to identify existing problems of gender inequality and find ways to solve them;

• measure and report publicly on progress towards gender equality.


May 3rd, 2022